Update the user profile

Updating the user profile is the same as updating any other entity. Before doing so, we need to update the User entity and add a few more properties:

Updating the User entity

📁 Entities/User.ts
import { Column, HasMany, Options, Relation } from '@Typetron/Database'
import { User as Authenticatable } from '@Typetron/Framework/Auth'
import { Tweet } from 'App/Entities/Tweet'
import { Like } from 'App/Entities/Like'

    table: 'users'
export class User extends Authenticatable {
    name: string

    username: string

    bio?: string

    photo: string

    cover: string

    @Relation(() => Like, 'user')
    likes: HasMany<Like>

    @Relation(() => Tweet, 'user')
    tweets: HasMany<Tweet>

We added the username property, which is the handle of a user. We will use this later in order to mention people in our tweets using the ‘@’ symbol. The bio will be a short description for a user. The photo and cover will contain a path to an image. The photo is the avatar image of the user, and the cover is the image that will show up when you will visit a user’s profile.

Creating the UserForm

Before adding the endpoint that will update the user’s information, we need to add a form that will collect and validate the data before we make use of it. Let’s create the UserForm for this:

📁 Forms/UserForm.ts
import { Field, Form, Rules } from '@Typetron/Forms'
import { File } from '@Typetron/Storage'
import { Required } from '@Typetron/Validation'

export class UserForm extends Form {
    name: string

    username: string

    bio?: string

    photo?: File

    cover?: File

As you probably saw, for the photo and cover properties we accept a File. This is because we will handle the case when you can make a request with photo and cover properties being the old images paths.

Creating the user profile update endpoint

Now we can create the endpoint that will update the user’s profile information. Let’s add this in a new controller called UsersController and also update the User model:

📁 Controllers/Http/UsersController.ts
import { Controller, Middleware, Put } from '@Typetron/Router'
import { Inject } from '@Typetron/Container'
import { AuthUser } from '@Typetron/Framework/Auth'
import { User } from 'App/Entities/User'
import { User as UserModel } from 'App/Models/User'
import { AuthMiddleware } from '@Typetron/Framework/Middleware'
import { UserForm } from 'App/Forms/UserForm'
import { Storage } from '@Typetron/Storage'

export class UsersController {

    user: User

    storage: Storage

    async update(form: UserForm) {
        if (form.photo) {
            await this.storage.delete(`public/${this.user.photo}`)
            form.photo = await this.storage.save(form.photo, 'public')
        if (form.cover) {
            await this.storage.delete(`public/${this.user.cover}`)
            form.cover = await this.storage.save(form.cover, 'public')
        await this.user.save(form)

        return UserModel.from(this.user)
📁 Models/User.ts
import { Field, Model } from '@Typetron/Models'

export class User extends Model {
    id: number

    username: string

    name: string

    photo: string

    cover: string

    bio?: string

We upload an image in the public directory only when we receive an instance of a File in the request, but not before deleting the old ones, so we don’t end up with images on disk that are not used.

Let’s make a form-data request to update the user’s profile:

🌐 [Put] /users
    "username": "joe",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "bio": "Building apps with Typetron",
    "photo": imageFile,
    "cover": imageFile

Adding a custom validator for username

One last thing we need to fix is to restrict the username to have only letters, numbers and/or the ‘_’ character. We cannot allow for spaces since it won’t be possible to mention users in tweets using the ‘@’ character. Let’s add a custom validator in a Validators directory to validate the username for these characters and them update the UserForm to use it:

📁 Validators/IsUsername.ts
import { Rule } from '@Typetron/Validation'

export class IsUsername extends Rule {
    identifier = 'isUsername'

    passes(attribute: string, value: string): boolean {
        return Boolean(value.match(/^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$/))

    message(attribute: string): string {
        return `The username can only contain numbers, letters and '_'`
📁 Forms/UserForm.ts
import { Field, Form, Rules } from '@Typetron/Forms'
import { File } from '@Typetron/Storage'
import { Required } from '@Typetron/Validation'
import { IsUsername } from 'App/Validators/IsUsername'

export class UserForm extends Form {
    name: string

    @Rules(Required, IsUsername)
    username: string

    bio?: string

    photo?: File

    cover?: File

Now, if we make a request that contains an invalid username, we should get an error back.

In the next part we will follow and unfollow users

Next >

Following/Unfollowing users