User mentions are a way of letting one or more users that you mentioned them in a tweet. These users will receive a “mention” notification letting them know there were mentioned in your tweet.
Since we have a new type of notification, we need to update the type property of the Notification entity and also its model:
📁 Entities/Notification.ts
import {
} from '@Typetron/Database'
import { User } from 'App/Entities/User'
import { Tweet } from 'App/Entities/Tweet'
table: 'notifications'
export class Notification extends Entity {
id: ID
type: 'follow' | 'like' | 'reply' | 'retweet' | 'mention'
@Relation(() => User, 'notifications')
user: BelongsTo<User>
@Relation(() => User, 'activity')
notifiers: BelongsToMany<User>
@Relation(() => Tweet, 'notifications')
tweet: BelongsTo<Tweet>
readAt: Date
createdAt: Date
updatedAt: Date
📁 Models/Notification.ts
import { Field, Model } from '@Typetron/Models'
import { User } from './User'
import { Tweet } from './Tweet'
export class Notification extends Model {
id: number
type: 'follow' | 'like' | 'reply' | 'retweet' | 'mention'
notifiers: User[] = []
tweet: Tweet
This is a really easy one because it doesn’t involve any new entities. All we need to do is to update the endpoint that created a new tweet to send mention notifications:
📁 Controllers/Http/TweetsController.ts
import { Controller, Middleware, Post } from '@Typetron/Router'
import { Tweet } from 'App/Entities/Tweet'
import { Like } from 'App/Entities/Like'
import { Tweet as TweetModel } from 'App/Models/Tweet'
import { TweetForm } from 'App/Forms/TweetForm'
import { User } from 'App/Entities/User'
import { AuthMiddleware } from '@Typetron/Framework/Middleware'
import { AuthUser } from '@Typetron/Framework/Auth'
import { Inject } from '@Typetron/Container'
import { Storage, File } from '@Typetron/Storage'
import { Media } from 'App/Entities/Media'
import { Notification } from 'App/Entities/Notification'
import { EntityObject } from '@Typetron/Database'
import { Hashtag } from 'App/Entities/Hashtag'
export class TweetsController {
user: User
storage: Storage
tweet(form: TweetForm) {
return TweetModel.from(this.createTweet(form))
async reply(parent: Tweet, form: TweetForm) {
const tweet = await this.createTweet(form, {replyParent: parent})
await this.addTweetNotification(tweet, parent, 'reply')
return TweetModel.from(tweet)
async retweet(parent: Tweet, form: TweetForm) {
const tweet = await this.createTweet(form, {retweetParent: parent})
await this.addTweetNotification(tweet, parent, 'reply')
return TweetModel.from(tweet)
private async createTweet(form: TweetForm, additional: Partial<EntityObject<Tweet>> = {}) {
const tweet = await Tweet.create({
content: form.content,
user: this.user,
if ( instanceof File) { = []
const mediaFiles = await Promise.all( =>, 'public/tweets-media'))
await => new Media({path: media})))
await this.addHashTags(tweet)
await this.sendMentionNotifications(tweet)
return tweet
private async addTweetNotification(tweet: Tweet, parentTweet: Tweet, type: 'reply' | 'retweet') {
const parentTweetUser = parentTweet.user.get()
* We need to create a notification if the user that replied/retweeted with this tweet is not its author.
if (parentTweetUser && parentTweetUser?.id !== {
await this.addNotification(tweet,, type)
private async addNotification(tweet: Tweet, userId: number, type: Notification['type']) {
const notification = await Notification.create({
user: userId,
await notification.notifiers.add(
private async addHashTags(tweet: Tweet) {
const hashtagsList = tweet.content.matchAll(/\B#(\w\w+)\b/gm)
const hashtagsNames = Array.from(hashtagsList).map(hashtag => hashtag[1])
const hashtags = await Hashtag.whereIn('name', hashtagsNames).get()
await tweet.hashtags.sync(...hashtags.pluck('id'))
private async sendMentionNotifications(tweet: Tweet) {
const mentionsList = tweet.content.matchAll(/\B@(\w\w+)\b/gm)
const usernames = Array.from(mentionsList).map(mention => mention[1])
const users = await User.whereIn('username', usernames).get()
for (const user of users) {
await this.addNotification(tweet,, 'mention')
async like(tweet: Tweet) {
let notification: Notification | undefined
* Check to see if the tweet's user is not its author because
* we don't want to send a notification to its author
if (tweet.user.get()?.id !== {
notification = await Notification.firstOrCreate({
type: 'like',
user: tweet.user.get(),
readAt: undefined,
const like = await Like.firstOrNew({tweet, user: this.user})
if (like.exists) {
await like.delete()
await notification?.notifiers.remove(
} else {
await notification?.notifiers.add(
return TweetModel.from(tweet)
This is the entire tweet creation functionality from our Twitter clone app. To send a user mention notifications we just search the usernames in the tweet’s content and insert a specific notification in the database.
Let’s make a request to test this feature:
🌐 [POST] /tweets
"content": "How are you doing @joe"
Now, a user named joe should get a ‘mention’ notification.