Using WebSockets on frontend

You can listen and emit event from the client side really easily by using the @typetron/websockets library.


You can install the WebSockets library by just running this command in your frontend app:

$ npm install @typetron/websockets

Be aware that you need to have a bundler (webpack, rollup, babel, parcel, etc.) when using this library.

After installing it in the project, you can start using it by creating a socket connection. You can have this in its own file, so you can import it later in your different part of your app:

import { Websocket } from '@typetron/websockets'

export const socket = new Websocket('ws://localhost:8001')

Listening for events

You can listen to a WebSocket event sent from the server using the on(‘Event name’) method like this on the socket connection:

socket.on('eventName').subscribe(response => {
    console.log('Backend response', response)
socket.on<User>('user.update').subscribe(user => {
    console.log('User updated', user)

The on method will return an observable (see RxJS for more details) that you can use to subscribe to.

Emitting events

If you want to signal the server with an event or when you want to send some data to it, you can use the emit(‘event name’, data) method:

socket.emit('eventName', "my message here");
socket.emit('eventName', {my: {message: "here"}});

Be aware that if you are expecting a response from the backend, you need to subscribe to the same event (or the event the server is emitting to) using the .on method.

Emitting and listening for server response

If you want to make a single “request” to the server, meaning that you want to emit and wait for a response at the same time, you can use the request(‘event name’, data?) method. This will essentially make an emit and listen to its response using the on method for you:

const users = await socket.request<User[]>('users.list')
const savedUser = await socket.request<User>('', {name: 'John'})