
Providers are simple classes used to register something in the framework at boot time. A provider must extend the Provider abstract class from @Typetron/Framework and implement the register method. In the example below is an implementation of a RoutingProvider used to register the routes of your app:

import { AppConfig, Provider } from '@Typetron/Framework'
import { Router } from '@Typetron/Router'
import { Inject } from '@Typetron/Container'

export class RoutingProvider extends Provider {
    directory = 'Controllers'

    appConfig: AppConfig

    router: Router

    register() {
        this.router.middleware = this.appConfig.middleware || []

        this.router.loadControllers( + '/' +

The RoutingProvider is responsible for registering your controllers from a specific directory. If, for example, you want to use a second directory to load controllers from, you can change this provider to do just that:

import { AppConfig, Provider } from '@Typetron/Framework'
import { Router } from '@Typetron/Router'
import { Inject } from '@Typetron/Container'

export class RoutingProvider extends Provider {
    directory = 'Controllers'
    customDirectory = 'CustomDirectory'

    appConfig: AppConfig

    router: Router

    register() {
        this.router.middleware = this.appConfig.middleware || []

        this.router.loadControllers( + '/' +
        this.router.loadControllers( + '/' + this.customDirectory)