
Your app might need to connect to a database. Typetron provides an easy way to interact with a database using the Query Builder or the ORM. At this moment Typetron supports only SQLite(for prototyping purposes) and MySQL as its drivers, but it will have support for major SQL and NoSQL databases as well in the future.

By default, Typetron has a SQLite connection setup that you can see in the config/database.ts:

import { DatabaseConfig } from '@Typetron/Framework'
import { MysqlDriver, SqliteDriver } from '@Typetron/Database/Drivers'

export default new DatabaseConfig({
    entities: './Entities',
    synchronizeSchema: true,
    migrationsDirectory: 'migrations',
    driver: process.env.databaseDriver ?? 'sqlite',

    drivers: {
        sqlite: () => new SqliteDriver(process.env.database ?? 'database.sqlite'),
        mysql: () => new MysqlDriver({
            host: process.env.databaseHost,
            user: process.env.databaseUser,
            password: process.env.databasePassword,
            database: process.env.database,

This SQLite connection connects to the database.sqlite file in your project. You can also use the MySQL driver to connect to a MySQL database by providing the proper connection options

Schema synchronization

By default, Typetron has the synchronizeSchema feature activate. This feature will synchronize all of your entities with your database everytime you make a change to them. This feature should be used only in the development environment for rapid prototyping and should be deactivated (synchronizeSchema: false) in production environments.

Check the Query Builder to know how to get started to interact with a database.