Topics and hashtags

Topics are used to identify the most relevant tweets to show to the logged-in user. Each topic will contain a list of hashtags. A user can use these hashtags in his tweets. For example, we might have the “Web development” topic that will contain the following hashtags: “web”, “html”, “CSS”, “javascript”, “typescript” etc. These hashtags will be identified with the ‘pound’ symbol in front of them. For example, this might be the content of a tweet: “Hello #webdevelopers”

Creating the Topic and Hashtag entities

📁 Entities/Topic.ts
import { ID, BelongsToMany, Column, Entity, HasMany, Options, PrimaryColumn, Relation } from '@Typetron/Database'
import { User } from 'App/Entities/User'
import { Hashtag } from 'App/Entities/Hashtag'

    table: 'topics'
export class Topic extends Entity {
    id: ID

    name: string

    @Relation(() => User, 'topics')
    enthusiasts: BelongsToMany<User> // `followers` can be used as well but it will be confused with user.followers

    @Relation(() => Hashtag, 'topic')
    hashtags: HasMany<Hashtag>
📁 Entities/Hashtag.ts
import { ID, BelongsTo, BelongsToMany, Column, Entity, Options, PrimaryColumn, Relation } from '@Typetron/Database'
import { Topic } from 'App/Entities/Topic'
import { Tweet } from 'App/Entities/Tweet'

    table: 'hashtags'
export class Hashtag extends Entity {
    id: ID

    name: string

    @Relation(() => Topic, 'hashtags')
    topic: BelongsTo<Topic>

    @Relation(() => Tweet, 'hashtags')
    tweets: BelongsToMany<Tweet>

Let’s not forget to update the relationships on the User and Tweet entities:

📁 Entities/User.ts
import { BelongsToMany, BelongsToManyOptions, Column, HasMany, Options, Relation } from '@Typetron/Database'
import { User as Authenticatable } from '@Typetron/Framework/Auth'
import { Tweet } from 'App/Entities/Tweet'
import { Like } from 'App/Entities/Like'
import { Notification } from 'App/Entities/Notification'
import { Topic } from 'App/Entities/Topic'

    table: 'users'
export class User extends Authenticatable {
    name: string

    username: string

    bio?: string

    photo: string

    cover: string

    @Relation(() => Like, 'user')
    likes: HasMany<Like>

    @Relation(() => Tweet, 'user')
    tweets: HasMany<Tweet>

    @Relation(() => Notification, 'user')
    notifications: HasMany<Notification>

    @Relation(() => Notification, 'notifiers')
    activity: BelongsToMany<Notification>

    @Relation(() => Topic, 'enthusiasts')
    topics: BelongsToMany<Topic>

    @Relation(() => User, 'following')
        table: 'followers',
        column: 'followerId',
        foreignColumn: 'followingId'
    followers: BelongsToMany<User>

    @Relation(() => User, 'followers')
        table: 'followers',
        column: 'followingId',
        foreignColumn: 'followerId'
    following: BelongsToMany<User>
📁 Entities/Tweet.ts
import {
} from '@Typetron/Database'
import { User } from './User'
import { Like } from './Like'
import { Media } from './Media'
import { Notification } from 'App/Entities/Notification'
import { Hashtag } from 'App/Entities/Hashtag'

    table: 'tweets'
export class Tweet extends Entity {
    id: ID

    content: string

    @Relation(() => Media, 'tweet')
    media: HasMany<Media>

    @Relation(() => User, 'tweets')
    user: BelongsTo<User>

    @Relation(() => Like, 'tweet')
    likes: HasMany<Like>

    @Relation(() => Tweet, 'replies')
    replyParent: BelongsTo<Tweet>

    @Relation(() => Tweet, 'retweets')
    retweetParent: BelongsTo<Tweet>

    @Relation(() => Tweet, 'replyParent')
    replies: HasMany<Tweet>

    @Relation(() => Tweet, 'retweetParent')
    retweets: HasMany<Tweet>

    @Relation(() => Notification, 'tweet')
    notifications: HasMany<Notification>

    @Relation(() => Hashtag, 'tweets')
    hashtags: BelongsToMany<Hashtag>

    createdAt: Date

Adding/removing topics for the user

Let’s add an endpoint that a user can use to add or remove topics based on their personal preferences:

📁 Forms/UserTopicsForm.ts
import { Field, Form, Rules } from '@Typetron/Forms'
import { Required } from '@Typetron/Validation'

export class UserTopicsForm extends Form {
    topics: number[] = []

Now, we can update UsersController to return all the topics of a user and also save them if necessary after we create the Topics model:

📁 Models/Topic.ts
import { Field, Model } from '@Typetron/Models'

export class Topic extends Model {
    id: number

    name: string
📁 Controllers/Http/UsersController.ts
import { Controller, Get, Middleware, Post, Put } from '@Typetron/Router'
import { Inject } from '@Typetron/Container'
import { AuthUser } from '@Typetron/Framework/Auth'
import { User } from 'App/Entities/User'
import { UserForm } from 'App/Forms/UserForm'
import { User as UserModel } from 'App/Models/User'
import { AuthMiddleware } from '@Typetron/Framework/Middleware'
import { Storage } from '@Typetron/Storage'
import { Notification } from 'App/Entities/Notification'
import { Topic as TopicModel } from 'App/Models/Topic'
import { UserTopicsForm } from 'App/Forms/UserTopicsForm'

export class UsersController {

    user: User

    storage: Storage

    async update(form: UserForm) {
        if ( {
   = await, 'public')
        if (form.cover) {
            form.cover = await, 'public')

        return UserModel.from(this.user)

    async followers(username: string) {
        const user = await User.where('username', username).first()

        if (!user) {
            throw new Error('User not found')

        return UserModel.from(user.followers.get())

    async following(username: string) {
        const user = await User.where('username', username).first()

        if (!user) {
            throw new Error('User not found')

        return UserModel.from(user.following.get())

    async follow(userToFollow: User) {
        await this.user.following.add(

        const notification = await Notification.firstOrCreate({
            type: 'follow',
            user: userToFollow,
            readAt: undefined

        if (!await notification.notifiers.has( {
            await notification.notifiers.add(

        return UserModel.from(this.user)

    async unfollow(userToUnfollow: User) {
        await this.user.following.remove(

    async getTopics() {
        return TopicModel.from(this.user.topics.get())

    async setTopics(form: UserTopicsForm) {
        await this.user.topics.sync(...form.topics)

Before making a request to set a user’s topics, we need a few topics added in our database. Since we don’t have an admin dashboard we can use to add these topics (which will be the 3rd tutorial), we have to do it manually through the SQL client we are using. So, go ahead and add a few topics like “Music”, “Health”, “Programming” etc. Also, add a few hashtags to these topics. For example, add the “jazz” hashtag to the “Music” topic. We will use this later.

Let’s create a TopicsController together with a Topic model, so we can get a list of all the available topics on our social platform:

📁 Controllers/Http/TopicsController.ts
import { Controller, Get } from '@Typetron/Router'
import { Topic as TopicModel } from 'App/Models/Topic'
import { Topic } from 'App/Entities/Topic'

export class TopicsController {

    async get() {
        return TopicModel.from(Topic.get())

📁 Models/Topic.ts
import { Field, Model } from '@Typetron/Models'

export class Topic extends Model {
    id: number

    name: string

Let’s make a request to update a user’s topics where the value for the topics property is an array of topics ids:

🌐 [POST] /users/topics
    "topics": [

Adding hashtags to tweets

In order to link a tweet with hashtags, we need to identify the hashtags in the tweet’s content using Regular expressions (Regexp for short). Let’s modify the TweetsController and add this feature:

📁 Controllers/Http/TweetsController.ts
import { Controller, Middleware, Post } from '@Typetron/Router'
import { Tweet } from 'App/Entities/Tweet'
import { Like } from 'App/Entities/Like'
import { Tweet as TweetModel } from 'App/Models/Tweet'
import { TweetForm } from 'App/Forms/TweetForm'
import { User } from 'App/Entities/User'
import { AuthMiddleware } from '@Typetron/Framework/Middleware'
import { AuthUser } from '@Typetron/Framework/Auth'
import { Inject } from '@Typetron/Container'
import { Storage, File } from '@Typetron/Storage'
import { Media } from 'App/Entities/Media'
import { Notification } from 'App/Entities/Notification'
import { EntityObject } from '@Typetron/Database'
import { Hashtag } from 'App/Entities/Hashtag'

export class TweetsController {

    user: User

    storage: Storage

    tweet(form: TweetForm) {
        return TweetModel.from(this.createTweet(form))

    async reply(parent: Tweet, form: TweetForm) {
        const tweet = await this.createTweet(form, {replyParent: parent})

        await this.addNotification(tweet, parent, 'reply')

        return TweetModel.from(tweet)

    async retweet(parent: Tweet, form: TweetForm) {
        const tweet = await this.createTweet(form, {retweetParent: parent})

        await this.addNotification(tweet, parent, 'reply')

        return TweetModel.from(tweet)

    private async createTweet(form: TweetForm, additional: Partial<EntityObject<Tweet>> = {}) {
        const tweet = await Tweet.create({
            content: form.content,
            user: this.user,

        if ( instanceof File) {
   = []

        const mediaFiles = await Promise.all(
   =>, 'public/tweets-media'))
        await => new Media({path: media})))

        await this.addHashTags(tweet)

        return tweet

    private async addNotification(tweet: Tweet, parentTweet: Tweet, type: 'reply' | 'retweet') {
        const parentTweetUser = parentTweet.user.get()
         * We need to create a notification if the user that replied/retweeted with this tweet is not its author.
        if (parentTweetUser && !== {
            const notification = await Notification.firstOrCreate({
                user: parentTweetUser,
                readAt: undefined,
            await notification.notifiers.add(

    private async addHashTags(tweet: Tweet) {
        const hashtagsList = tweet.content.matchAll(/\B#(\w\w+)\b/gm)
        const hashtagsNames = Array.from(hashtagsList).map(hashtag => hashtag[1])
        const hashtags = await Hashtag.whereIn('name', hashtagsNames).get()

        await tweet.hashtags.sync(...hashtags.pluck('id'))

    async like(tweet: Tweet) {
        let notification: Notification | undefined
         * Check to see if the tweet's user is not its author because
         * we don't want to send a notification to its author
        if (tweet.user.get()?.id !== {
            notification = await Notification.firstOrCreate({
                type: 'like',
                user: tweet.user.get(),
                readAt: undefined,

        const like = await Like.firstOrNew({tweet, user: this.user})
        if (like.exists) {
            await like.delete()
            await notification?.notifiers.remove(
        } else {
            await notification?.notifiers.add(

        return TweetModel.from(tweet)

Let’s create a tweet with some hashtags:

🌐 [POST] /tweets
    "content": "Listening to #jazz"

Showing relevant tweets to users

Now, that we’ve added the ability to set topics for users and hashtags for tweets, we can create a new endpoint that will return the latest tweets based on that:

📁 Controllers/Http/HomeController.ts
import { Controller, Get, Middleware, Query } from '@Typetron/Router'
import { Tweet } from 'App/Entities/Tweet'
import { Tweet as TweetModel } from 'App/Models/Tweet'
import { AuthMiddleware } from '@Typetron/Framework/Middleware'
import { User } from 'App/Entities/User'
import { AuthUser } from '@Typetron/Framework/Auth'
import { Hashtag } from 'App/Entities/Hashtag'

export class HomeController {

    user: User

    async explore(@Query('page') page: number = 1, @Query('limit') limit: number = 10) {
        await this.user.load('topics')
        const userHashtags = await Hashtag.whereIn('topic', this.user.topics.items.pluck('id')).get()
        const tweets = await Tweet
                ['likes', query => query.where('userId',]
                query => query.table('hashtags_tweets').select('tweetId').whereIn('hashTagId', userHashtags.pluck('id'))
            .withCount('likes', 'replies', 'retweets')
            .orderBy('createdAt', 'DESC')
            .limit((page - 1) * limit, limit)

        return TweetModel.from(tweets)

This might look complex, but what is does is just selecting all the tweets from the platform that contain all the hashtags from the user’s topics. There is also room for query optimization here but let’s only optimize the code by extracting the duplicated code in a method:

📁 Controllers/Http/HomeController.ts
import { Controller, Get, Middleware, Query } from '@Typetron/Router'
import { Tweet } from 'App/Entities/Tweet'
import { Tweet as TweetModel } from 'App/Models/Tweet'
import { AuthMiddleware } from '@Typetron/Framework/Middleware'
import { User } from 'App/Entities/User'
import { AuthUser } from '@Typetron/Framework/Auth'
import { Hashtag } from 'App/Entities/Hashtag'

export class HomeController {

    user: User

    async tweets(@Query('page') page: number = 1, @Query('limit') limit: number = 10) {
        const followings = await this.user.following.get()
        const tweets = await this.getTweetsQuery(page, limit)
            .whereIn('userId', followings.pluck('id').concat(

        return TweetModel.from(tweets)

    async explore(@Query('page') page: number = 1, @Query('limit') limit: number = 10) {
        await this.user.load('topics')
        const userHashtags = await Hashtag.whereIn('topic', this.user.topics.items.pluck('id')).get()
        const tweets = await this.getTweetsQuery(page, limit)
                query => query.table('hashtags_tweets').select('tweetId').whereIn('hashTagId', userHashtags.pluck('id'))

        return TweetModel.from(tweets)

    getTweetsQuery(page: number, limit: number) {
        return Tweet
                ['likes', query => query.where('userId',]
            .withCount('likes', 'replies', 'retweets')
            .orderBy('createdAt', 'DESC')
            .limit((page - 1) * limit, limit)

Let’s make a request to test these endpoints:

🌐 [GET] /?page=1&limit=5
🌐 [GET] /explore?page=1&limit=10

Making a request to /explore should return us the tweet we created earlier with the #jazz hashtag.

Since we are here, lets also add an endpoint that will return all the tweets of a user based on a given username. We can use this to show all the tweets of a user when going to its profile:

📁 Controllers/Http/HomeController.ts
import { Controller, Get, Middleware, Query } from '@Typetron/Router'
import { Tweet } from 'App/Entities/Tweet'
import { Tweet as TweetModel } from 'App/Models/Tweet'
import { AuthMiddleware } from '@Typetron/Framework/Middleware'
import { User } from 'App/Entities/User'
import { AuthUser } from '@Typetron/Framework/Auth'
import { Hashtag } from 'App/Entities/Hashtag'

export class HomeController {

    user: User

    async tweets(@Query('page') page: number = 1, @Query('limit') limit: number = 10) {
        const followings = await this.user.following.get()
        const tweets = await this.getTweetsQuery(page, limit)
            .whereIn('userId', followings.pluck('id').concat(

        return TweetModel.from(tweets)

    async explore(@Query('page') page: number = 1, @Query('limit') limit: number = 10) {
        await this.user.load('topics')
        const userHashtags = await Hashtag.whereIn('topic', this.user.topics.items.pluck('id')).get()
        const tweets = await this.getTweetsQuery(page, limit)
                query => query.table('hashtags_tweets').select('tweetId').whereIn('hashTagId', userHashtags.pluck('id'))

        return TweetModel.from(tweets)

    async userTweets(username: string, @Query('page') page: number = 1, @Query('limit') limit: number = 10) {
        const user = await User.where('username', username).first()

        if (!user) {
            throw new Error('User not found')

        return TweetModel.from(this.getTweetsQuery(page, limit).where('userId',

    getTweetsQuery(page: number, limit: number) {
        return Tweet
                ['likes', query => query.where('userId',]
            .withCount('likes', 'replies', 'retweets')
            .orderBy('createdAt', 'DESC')
            .limit((page - 1) * limit, limit)

Let’s also make here a request to test this endpoint:

🌐 [GET] /joe/tweets
In the next part we will follow and unfollow users

Next >
